Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Big Bang Theory Is Learning Theory

In 2007, a comedy series changed my life, I think this comedy is my favorite one after Friends. The Big Bang Theory, what an interesting and great comedy came into my life while I went to college. Since that time, my life is big bang. I like physics suddenly which I never like before. Although it is just a comedy, I think I should keep up with its background knowledge. I bought The Big Bang Theory season 5 dvd and watch it carefully. Once the theory appeared in the show, I will learn it, but it is so difficult to me. I still stick to do this, many times I can’t understand it and I will ask physics students. So now I think my physics is much better than before even sometimes I can understand Sheldon’s script….
So when we enjoy something, it is actually that we can get more from it not only the enjoyment. If your English are not well, you can watch more American TV series with the English sub. If you just watch it for fun, of course it doesn’t mean it is wrong, I just think it is a little pity. Because it is a great resource that you can learn something while for fun. It is much better than just read a book. Don’t worry Knowledge is too many!
Now I am not who I used to be, I can find many knowledge from anything. I hope that who watch TV series just for fun can learn more from it.
I think everyone has its own Big Bang Theory to change own life.